The Drugs Dont Work
Today I was meant to do a mixed pace 5ish mile run – the plan was jog 0.5 miles, run 4 x 1 mile faster pace runs with 2 minute jogs inbetween, and jog a final 0.5 miles.
The reality was I managed the half mile and the first faster pace mile, and my legs hurt so much I held a jog until I reached 3.1 miles (5K) and stopped.
My shins have been giving me quite a bit of gyp lately, so I’ve been taking Nurofen+ before my runs. The doc said I should be fine with just Ibuprofen so bought a whole stack of it yesterday. And did they work? Did they f**k.
Now, as an aside, I did have quite a few drinks last night (a colleague’s last night of freedom) and being in Prague it was a good night… but I felt fine energy-wise, it’s just my sodding legs.
So overall, I’m feeling crap, my shins hurt, and I don’t want to run again, and I definitely don’t want to do a sodding Marathon. I hate running. End of.