FML it’s LFM

So, it’s the day before London Marathon, so it’s time to review my training plan to see how well I’ve kept to it.

  • 5km parkrun every week to see how my fitness is improving
    Done! Today I did a tail run at Reigate parkrun to complete my parkrun-a-week fix.
  • The 150/365 plank challenge. 150 seconds of the plank every day for the year to build up core strength.
    Done! Am amazed to say it, but I even managed a 5 minute plank, which for me is effectively a marathon (but in 5 minutes)
  • 3 Cross Trainer sessions a week
    Sort of! I did to 2-3 a week for a while, but left job in March, and sort of haven’t done any since then as no [free] access to a gym
  • Ditching the sausage/bacon sarnies for breakfast (unless I really want one)
    Done! I’ve probably only had one in the last 3 months
  • And *possibly* experiment with a longer run once or twice before Marathon day using run/walk (e.g. a half marathon). This last point though is only if I suddenly find myself in the peak of physical fitness and able to tackle it.
    Weeeeeeeeell…. No. I didn’t want to over-do it, so I haven’t done anything as long as a half marathon. I have however done a 10k (last week I did Tilgate parkrun twice in succession).

So… other than the 10k run last weekend, the longest I’ve done is 5km.

Just to get this straight – this isn’t me being lazy. Trust me – I would love to get out there and do a proper marathon build up. Unfortunately, in the words of the medical industry after X rays and MRI scans, my legs aren’t made for running marathons, and even the training gives me bad shin splints. I’ve deferred my ballot place once already, which means I either have to run tomorrow, or lose my place. So it’s tomorrow and never again, or just never again.

So this is how I think tomorrow’s London Marathon will go:

  • Run-walk strategy. It’s what works for me, and allows me to get the furthest distance before having to walk the rest of the way
  • I’ll set off at a gentle-ish pace – I want to average around 9 – 9:15 minute miles
  • At 6 miles I’ll feel ok. That’s around 10k, and I did that last weekend on a hilly parkrun, and didn’t die.
  • At 10 miles I’ll have loads of energy, but my calves will be starting to tighten
  • At 12 miles, my calves will audibly say ‘FML’ with severe cramp. I will then find an attractive lady in the crowd to rub it better (this actually happened to me in the 2012 marathon)
  • I will walk for 5 minutes
  • I will try to jog for a little bit and fail, and then walk
  • I will walk for 5 minutes
  • I will have a little cry to myself and vow never to run another marathon
  • …. repeat many times ….
  • I might finish

I can’t wait.

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